
Journey Beyond Yourself 2023 Achison

Journey Beyond Yourself 2023 Achison
The annual teambuilding event provides Achisoner members with an opportunity to unwind after a busy work period and strengthen their bonds through various group activities. This year's event, themed "Journey Beyond Yourself," took place over three days and two nights in the coastal city of Phan Thiet. Throughout the event, Achisoner members had the chance to reflect on their tireless efforts since the company's inception and to rekindle their passion for continued innovation towards our shared goals. Let's take a look at some highlights from this journey.

Play hard - Work hard

Behind every game design lies a specific purpose and a unique message to convey

Together we achieve

My teammates, my perseverance, and I have achieved success together

Breaking through barriers, pushing one's limits

Achison - Unlimited

Celebrate Achison 20 years anniversary

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